Haven wholistic wellness projects
Haven wholistic wellness projects

What’s missing for you to feel 100% amazing? Take this fun, short quiz to find out.

Our Team

How We Work

Haven’s team members wear many hats. We feel that “cross-pollinating” is a good thing! So while you see departments below, our cook also works on social media; our board members participate in day-to-day operations, our president manages Haven projects also.

We work this way by design; it’s a fundamental piece of Haven’s contribution mentality that we believe creates community-enhancing results. 

Sam Kovalyov

President & CEO

Fred Kovalyov

Project Manager, Secretary

Maya Kovalyov

Treasurer, Board Member

Noel Steffens


Alex Kovalyov


Veronica Osmonov

Board Member

Balsey Dean De Witt III

Veteran Outreach Wizard

Christie Armstrong


Katie Geddes

Branding, Marketing, Web

Contribute to a Healthier World

Haven is dedicated to accessible education and the support of natural self-care, community and environment through an ever-growing international network of wholistic wellness centers.

Be a part of this healthy undertaking by contributing what you can. We and the community thank you!

Est 2015 • Haven for Humanity Inc.
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

317 Mud Pond Road
Livingston Manor,
NY 12758
908 • 884 • 8688 | e-mail